
Funny Fish Jokes to Beat the Summertime Blues

Have you noticed it's pretty hot out there? Even the ocean is feeling the heat (and that's not good). It seems we could all use some levity right about now, so here are some family friendly jokes inspired by our marine life friends.

Celebrating Our Oceans: National Marine Week

National Marine Week is an initiative from The Wildlife Trusts of the United Kingdom. Since the fate of the world's oceans is globally intertwined, marking this two-week long celebration is something we can do no matter where we live. Wait, National Marine Week is two weeks long? Yes!...

Fun Facts about Manatees

Our cute cartoon Scubadorable manatee represents all three species of manatee: the West Indian Manatee, found in warm waters around the Caribbean including all around Florida, the Amazonian Manatee of the Amazon basin, and the African Manatee of western Africa. Here are some fast facts about manatees.

Blue Tang: Cute Fish Facts

In the vast and vibrant underwater world, one species of fish certainly knows how to stand out – the adorable, colorful, and striking Blue Tang. Characterized by its vividly blue body, accented with touches of black and yellow, this marine beauty can brighten up any reef with its...

Common Bottlenose Dolphin Fun Facts

The Common Bottlenose Dolphin is the most well-known species of ocean dolphin. They are found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world. Here are some fun facts about the Common Bottlnose Dolphin.

Do Your Part for Oceans on World Oceans Day!

World Oceans Day is commemorated each year on June 8. This is a day to remind everyone about the importance of our oceans and the vital part they play in our global ecosystem. It's also a day to raise awareness among others about the plight of our oceans,...
